Nicole is a Spiritual Medium and has been dedicated to her full-time practice and business since 2012. Born naturally intuitive, her gifts have continued to heighten as she has honed in on her skills, done years of training/development and has deepened her connection to spirit. She believes it was her three years of training at Langara College in Integrative Energy Healing (2009-2012), as well as her life experience of early-on health challenges and grief, that cracked her open and led her in the direction as a professional Spiritual Medium and Reverend.
Nicole is dedicated to advancing and staying innovative in her training and has studied numerous times at mediumship schools, including the world-renowned Arthur Findlay College in Essex, England, and De Zwanenhof in Holland. Her love for travel and passion for growth have led her all over the world backpacking, studying and exploring sacred sites. Nicole is the Spiritualist Minister at Two Worlds Spiritualist Centre of Nanaimo, BC, and offers Divine Services through the centre and within her community. She works with a dedicated team and other guest Spiritual Mediums to provide services to our community. Nicole also loves working from home in her private practice, offering one-to-one readings for her clients in person as well as on Zoom and teaching development classes to people who are interested in learning the disciplines of mediumship development and growing themselves spiritually in their power.
She is the author of The Power ~ A Call To Mediumship her teaching memoir, and is currently working on her second book. Nicole is an inspirational speaker, loves to demonstrate mediumship in large groups and goes wherever her work calls her.
She lives a peaceful life with her husband, Matthew, and mini Goldendoodle, Gracie . The three of them live in the forest landscapes of Lake Cowichan, BC. On days off, you'll most likely find Nicole walking nature trails with her dogs, swimming at beaches in the Cowichan Valley, painting animals with acrylic paint and reading various books. She is laid back, introverted and enjoys creativity and peaceful environments. Sharing her ability as a Spiritual Medium and meeting people all over the world has brought Nicole so much soul connection, joy and a love for life.
Nicole is dedicated to advancing and staying innovative in her training and has studied numerous times at mediumship schools, including the world-renowned Arthur Findlay College in Essex, England, and De Zwanenhof in Holland. Her love for travel and passion for growth have led her all over the world backpacking, studying and exploring sacred sites. Nicole is the Spiritualist Minister at Two Worlds Spiritualist Centre of Nanaimo, BC, and offers Divine Services through the centre and within her community. She works with a dedicated team and other guest Spiritual Mediums to provide services to our community. Nicole also loves working from home in her private practice, offering one-to-one readings for her clients in person as well as on Zoom and teaching development classes to people who are interested in learning the disciplines of mediumship development and growing themselves spiritually in their power.
She is the author of The Power ~ A Call To Mediumship her teaching memoir, and is currently working on her second book. Nicole is an inspirational speaker, loves to demonstrate mediumship in large groups and goes wherever her work calls her.
She lives a peaceful life with her husband, Matthew, and mini Goldendoodle, Gracie . The three of them live in the forest landscapes of Lake Cowichan, BC. On days off, you'll most likely find Nicole walking nature trails with her dogs, swimming at beaches in the Cowichan Valley, painting animals with acrylic paint and reading various books. She is laid back, introverted and enjoys creativity and peaceful environments. Sharing her ability as a Spiritual Medium and meeting people all over the world has brought Nicole so much soul connection, joy and a love for life.